Robert A. Riggleman

Principal Investigator

Google Scholar

Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


  • B.S. Engineering, University of South Carolina, 2002
  • Ph.D. Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007

Postdoctoral training:

  • Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007-2008
  • Chemical Engineering, University of California-Santa Barbara, 2009-2010

Awards and Honors:

  • Best Paper Award, 1st Place, Semiconductor Research Corporation Annual Review (2006)
  • Best Paper Award, 2nd Place, Semiconductor Research Corporation Annual Review (2005)
  • Dahlke Hougen Fellow, University of Wisconsin – Madison, (2002-2005)
  • National Science Foundation Graduate Student Fellowship Honorable Mention (2002)
  • Phi Beta Kappa Honors society (2002)
  • Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honors society (2001-present)


  1. Long-range correlated dynamics in ultra-thin molecular glass films
  2. Understanding soft glassy materials using an energy landscape approach
  3. Solvent vapor annealing in block copolymer nanocomposite films: a dynamic mean field approach
  4. Isolating the Effect of Molecular Weight on Ion Transport of Non-Ionic Diblock Copolymer/Ionic Liquid Mixtures
  5. Engineering the Assembly of Gold Nanorods in Polymer Matrices
  6. Dispersion and alignment of nanorods in cylindrical block copolymer thin films
  7. Attraction of Nanoparticles to Tilt Grain Boundaries in Block Copolymers
  8. The dynamics of unentangled polymers during capillary rise infiltration into a nanoparticle packing
  9. Local Polymer Dynamics and Diffusion in Cylindrical Nanoconfinement
  10. Predicting the structure and interfacial activity of diblock brush, mixed brush, and Janus-grafted nanoparticles
  11. Entanglement Reduction and Anisotropic Chain and Primitive Path Conformations in Polymer Melts under Thin Film and Cylindrical Confinement
  12. The distribution of homogeneously grafted nanoparticles in polymer thin films and blends
  13. Understanding Plastic Deformation in Thermal Glasses from Single-Soft-Spot Dynamics
  14. Strain localization in glassy polymers under cylindrical confinement
  15. Size-Controlled Self-Assembly of Superparamagnetic Polymersomes
  16. Field theoretic simulations of polymer nanocomposites
  17. Effect of particle size and grafting density on the mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites
  18. Influence of Backbone Rigidity on Nanoscale Confinement Effects in Model Glass-Forming Polymers
  19. Evolution of collective motion in a model glass-forming liquid during physical aging
  20. Heterogeneous Segmental Dynamics during Creep and Constant Strain Rate Deformations of Rod-Containing Polymer Nanocomposites
  21. Investigation of the interfacial tension of complex coacervates using field-theoretic simulations
  22. Dynamics and Deformation Response of Rod-Containing Nanocomposites
  23. Influence of Chain Stiffness on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Polymer Thin Films
  24. Influence of Nanorod Inclusions on Structure and Primitive Path Network of Polymer Nanocomposites at Equilibrium and Under Deformation
  25. Mechanical properties of antiplasticized polymer nanostructures
  26. Field-theoretic simulations in the Gibbs ensemble
  27. Antiplasticization and the elastic properties of glass-forming polymer liquids
  28. Heterogeneous dynamics during deformation of a polymer glass
  29. Entanglement network in nanoparticle reinforced polymers
  30. Fluorinated Quaternary Ammonium Salts as Dissolution Aids for Polar Polymers in Environmentally Benign Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
  31. Deformation-Induced Mobility in Polymer Glasses during Multistep Creep Experiments and Simulations
  32. Dynamics of a Glassy Polymer Nanocomposite during Active Deformation
  33. Nonlinear Creep in a Polymer Glass
  34. Antiplasticization and local elastic constants in trehalose and glycerol mixtures
  35. Molecular plasticity of polymeric glasses in the elastic regime
  36. Free Volume and Finite-Size Effects in a Polymer Glass under Stress
  37. Characterization of the potential energy landscape of an antiplasticized polymer
  38. Tuning polymer melt fragility with antiplasticizer additives
  39. Influence of Confinement on the Fragility of Antiplasticized and Pure Polymer Films